12:00 AM - Salem Drive In Theater: Zontar The Thing From Venus
1:30 AM - Salem Drive In Theater: Kept Husbands
3:04 AM - Salem Drive In Theater: The Forty Niners
4:16 AM - Salem Drive In Theater: One Body Too Many
5:32 AM - Salem Drive In Theater: Creature from Black Lake
9:00 AM - Worcester Senior Center Exercise Senior Strength and Balance with Joe Fish
10:00 AM - Brain Training Games Apps and Exercises: Do They Work
11:00 AM - Rooted in Health: Transforming Spaces with Organic Gardening
11:30 AM - Two Grannies On The Road: Salem Cross Inn
12:00 PM - Two Grannies On The Road: Epigram Brewery
12:30 PM - Salem Jazz and Soul Festival: Dwayne Dopsie 8/21/2016
2:00 PM - The World Fusion Show: Mei Han
2:30 PM - The World Fusion Show: Miguel Espinoza Flamenco Fusion
3:00 PM - The World Fusion Show: Emily Lanxner
3:30 PM - Reeling...The Movie Review Show
4:00 PM - Reeling...The Movie Review Show
4:40 PM - The Whoever Shows Up Bluegrass Band (Documentary)
5:15 PM - Not So Far Apart Open Mic
6:00 PM - Meet The Artist
6:30 PM - Artist Corner: The Berger Boys
7:00 PM - The Groove and Gab Cafe: James Gilmore
7:30 PM - Sudzin Country: Taylor Swift Interview
8:00 PM - Derek Shapiro Power Half Hour
8:30 PM - Sidewalks The Entertainment Project: Kyriana Kratter and Robert Timothy Smith
8:58 PM - Sidewalks The Entertainment Project: Taye Diggs and Emmanuel Acho
9:27 PM - Sidewalks The Entertainment Project: Victoria Castillo
10:00 PM - ALUminiUm live at SATV 10/18/2024
10:42 PM - The Negans live at SATV 10/18/2024
11:18 PM - Gwello Live at SATV 10/18/2024
Event Date:
Resident Series
Spencer Steve
Salem Resident Series For April 2024
First Run:
Latest Episode :
Schedule Information:
3/21/2025 at 12:30 PM
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